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あなたの疲れや痛み、体調不良。どこに相談したらいいのか、何をしたらいいのかお悩みではありませんか?... | By 平山はじめ | Yes, that's it, that's when it comes to you, eh, Hokkaido, yes, that's how it is, eh, Hikkaido, eh, from Asagawa City, eh, human and animal lecturer, eh, eh, from the physical exercise researcher in Toyo Medicine, I want to start the first live broadcast this morning. I hope you have a good time with me again today. Well, well, well, well. Who are you? I think there are a lot of you, so please introduce yourself quickly. Originally, well, I'm a veterinarian, I'm also a veterinarian, but I also studied western medicine, but in my school days, I started doing martial arts like the relatives of Aikido, for that practice. Ah, how to use the body, or balance the body, eh, how to move, and those things. I realized that it's important to practice properly. Eh, to learn that kind of thing, lazy body and that kind of body exercise. Eh, eh, I've adopted the training method. It's been 25 years, thirty years. In the meantime, it's about how to use the body and how to move, eh, to take care of that part and face medicine, it's not surgery or surgery. Hmm, it's just not Oriental Medicine. It's a pretty intuitive feeling, but, eh, I went to vocational school, eh, I became a pharmacist. Well, I turned into a pharmacist. There's a story. So, uh, so now I'm a human and animal instructor who feeds people and animals, but I'm active, but I know, how to use your body and how to move, and that kind of thing is very important. I believe it's important, so it's important. Well, yeah, that's right, just a little bit of how important it is. Well, I want to tell everyone, so that I can tell it to the next generation, and to the next generation. Well, I'm doing this live broadcast right now. Yeah, so, uh, this, uh, uh, in the live broadcasts that started in Hirayama, uh, for example, they don't teach you at school, like Oriental medicine, talking about how to use your body, talking about socializing with animals, uh, focus on it, I'm talking. So, today I'm going to talk about oriental medicine, uh, I'm going talk about medicine, that's what it is. Huh, so, today's title of the day is today's topic, in terms of inappropriateness, what time do you recommend? So, I want to talk about this. Eh, this, what does it mean, eh, I myself am dumb, eh, for example, when there is something like that, that, that, a habit, or a brain, or a sudden strong change, eh, when your body, tired, or tense jumps up and jump, eh, this, pain, or discomfort, leads to injury. Connect. So, I think it's important to deal with the changes left in the mind and body through Western medicine, massage, oriental medicine, counseling, and that. I think it'll be important to deal with them in a way that suits various situations. But you know, there are things that happen to happen immediately, or that are hard to recover from, and at that time, ehh, it's like your original habits. You do bad to your body, do bad to your own body, do bad things to your body, and think like you're doing bad, and think about doing bad things, and that's how you're doing evil things, and that you think about that you've done bad things, and the habits and parts of your brain, and how you change your body into a way that you don't get tired. It's really important. So, yes, the way you move, and how you use your body. Sometimes you need to think things through. Thus, in a more comprehensive way of thinking that you can, well, take care of your body, your own body. When you think that way, for example, when you think that way. For example, when you say that way, I recommend. For example, like this, you're struggling with the pain and the pain. Tiredness, stiff shoulders, back pain, 40s, swelling, joint pain, headache, dizziness, eh, digestive system problems, digestive system problems or respiratory problems, breakthrough judge, digestive system stress or respiratory problems, eh, gynecological problems, of course health management, daily percentage and health, but when you want to adjust a bit, eh, I recommend smoking, but at that time, it's hard to talk about this kind of things, especially when you want to do something like this, I recommend it. When you talk from the point of saying "I don't know", I think it's easier to see, so, uh, today, I want to talk about that kind of thing. Well, well, then, well, first of all, today is the usual, do you promise? It's a one-point oriental medicine that learns from today's health, so I want to continue today. One Point Oriental Medicine asked me what I would do, I checked my own medicine like this, and said, uh, today's, uh, my, that, what is that? From my health, to how I am feeling today, eh, or uh, I should be careful of things like this. Then it's time to be different. Each one comes to mind. It's a corner to talk about the petroleum system. Huh yeah, how about that? I guess I guess I guess. How about that? Yeah, I think it's good to be a play. Yeah, I think it would be good for a play. Well, that's a lot. Well, I mean, there is a group that has a large percentage of meridians treatment, but in that case, eh, environmental adverse conditions, eh, depression, eh, medicine, real conditions, eh, four, eh, main, ways to balance the body, but today, one of them is, uh, gin. So, Jinkyo, it's easy to understand what kind of condition a doll is, but religion is, religion is, which means, religion is either, or religion is either, credit, reproductive system, or other people's balance is, but the balance of percentage and heart, for example, is, hmm, it's not anger, but when the balance of the heart is messed up, it's a part of the story that makes people easier to live. As expected, I'm thinking about Oriental Medicine in the balance of my mind and body, so I didn't come out. When you feel that balance in your mind seems to be afraid, there is a story about how easy it is to become that, that, that, and that. And, uh, just like that, uh, uh, uh-h, sometimes it becomes your life when you feel good, but in that case, it becomes easier to become a human right depending on age. If you change the way you say it, ehh, you get a certain age, ehh, the older you get, ehh, and the element of junkie comes in. Ah, ah, ah, but it's not just about which of the four body types. Well, that's right. It depends on your age, and what type you are easy to get into. Well, it's about how you look at a person's body, as you think about body changes. It's always an important factor, so the way you look at your body and your health at this point. Well, how old you are now, so it's easy to get into this kind. I think it's easy to understand, but if you put it in your head, I think it'll be easier to understand, so please, uh, look at your current state of body and your age, eh, how am I going to make changes in my body in the future, how will I change my body in the past, how will I make changes in the body in the future? If you keep it in mind, I think that managing your health will be easier, so please be careful of that area. Well, I want to make today's One Point Oriental Medicine. I want to talk about the title. Eh, this is a live broadcast, and comments are welcome. I would appreciate it if you could, uh, comment if you're related to it. Eh, eh, if you don't know what to write in a comment, you don't think that hard, so of course, you have opinions and questions, that's fine, but eh, have you ever gotten through it? How did you feel when you were pregnant? It's fine to talk like this, and ehh, more, ehh, ehh, it's easier, for example, which prefecture do you come from, or tell me how to decide a nickname, etc., ehh, that's right, eh, a little story, I'd be happy if you could write a little bit. So, what would happen if you comment on this, and this, like this, eh, like this, uh, like this, comment shows this, eh, comment shows this. So if you read this comment you can go live live Oh, isn't this funny? Hey. So, uh, by all means, uh, this, if you watched the live broadcast, uh, it was live, of course, if you watched it, uh, of course, it was archived, eh, it will be preserved. If you watched it on the archive videos, please like, uh, comment, etc. I would appreciate it. Oh, this is a bit hard to show in the archives. But please comment yes first comment. Shares with comments are also greatly appreciated, so thank you. So, uh, let's see what happens when I'm not recommended. That's all right. So, what do you say when things are not recommended? It's coming out, but this, that, the obvious cause, that cause, ehh, shut up, and not deal with it. What is the meaning of this? I mean, to be clear, like, um, what is surgical procedure when you need surgical procedures? Well, for example, this is a painful story, but the bone is broken, but it's headed towards the opposite direction, eh, yeah, that's it, without wearing a uniform or anything, even in a city uniform, do it by hand, uniform, or surgery is fine, but if the bones are broken, it's in the direction of the opposite direction, so, don't just say let's heal, because it will heal, but it won't. Ah, first of all, the bone that's on the other side is the first priority to conquer and fix it properly. Uh, for example, there are other things, that, for example, other things, that there is a hole, that, there is a hole in it, for example, a wall, something is clogged up, eh, or, uh, a hole, a hole is built, a hole is clogged. So, when you say you don't have an appetite to eat, uh, don't do something about this crappy thing, and then, Oriental Medicine in Yokohama, uh, let's do something about that appetite, but uh, it's a little hard to think about how to get better. Apparently, it's not obvious that it's not right to respond to the fact that this is funny. So, uh, this kind of surgical procedure, it's obvious that I have to do something, uh, when it seems like I understand, let's prioritize dealing with it first. Hey, uh, same goes for surgical procedures, but bleeding, different. Getting out when they say so. When you say, uh, first, uh, uh, that's out. When you say, uh, first, uh, uh, that, it's out. When you say, uh, first, that, if you don't stop that blood, you'd be in trouble. Well, boiling blood doesn't really stop, so stop the blood first. So, we should properly handle this way, right? When there is a procedure that should be prioritized, it's better to do that first, right? Eh, but, next, well, I think it's the serious infectious disease, for example, the time of the Space Age, but eh, Western medicine has come in. Well, well, uh, maybe, before that I'm sorry. I didn't check the date properly now, but there were some symptoms like cholera and other infectious diseases that Oriental medicine, Chinese medicine, etc. and Chinese medicine, and medicine that didn't help. So, when you say that, uh, stomach, surgery, so yeah, bum, surgery, so uh, about that kind of thing that can't be done in Oriental Medicine, yeah, Oriental Medicine can't really handle it. Well, disease or conditions are supposed to be left in the corner of your head. And one of them is thought infection. So, uh, anyway, let's talk about the Chinese. Well, this will be a history story, so it's nice to hear it, but uh, what a story. There are some interesting things going on about this conspiracy theory, so I want to read two or three lines, but hey, now, just a little, that show, eh, just a little bit, that conspiracy theory. I want to read the pretext of a book about two thousand years ago, but eh, I have about 200 relatives who read about 200 people who read about two hundred people. Well, it hasn't even been ten years since then, and it's already three minutes of that. I heard the second one is dead. So, the percentage of that percentage is, uh, well, right now, I don't know if it's a cold, respiratory symptom, well, I don’t know if it’s corona, but I probably have something like corona, and my percentage is, uh. Well, I don’m talking about this cold, respiratory symptoms, well, I’m not sure if it’s Corona, but I probably got something like Corona, eh, and I got it like Corona and died. A, uh, percentage of people died from that tax-like respiratory disease. If you change the way you say it, even more than two thousand years ago, there was an infectious disease like this, eh, there was a pandemic like this, so eh, this Chinese medicine, I just said this, this, this book, that, this is Japanese, and it came out of Japan, but it's a conspiracy theory, eh, I wrote it about 2,000 years ago, so, yeah, I wrote it was about 2,000 years ago. So, and thanks to that, Chinese medicine developed, thanks to this infection, this is where Chinese medicine developed. There is no doubt about that, but on the one hand, it's something new, that, maybe tests, and that, and that, eh, the thing about being ill was not quite able to cope with the Chinese medicine. So, uh, of course, huh, in regards to that, if you think about improving your condition first, then you can use antibiotics, or even use a virus drug, eh, you can have to think about it. It's especially dangerous when it's contagious. It's cold, it's a cold, isn't it? It's also a cold, and it's cool, and it'll be cool, and that'll be like that. It's like that. I'll keep moving forward, but, eh, it's like that, eh, when it's about to involve life, it's about that. It'll be a matter of fact that, it's something that's about to prioritize first. And, one more thing, isn't it? For example, if you relax, your blood vessels are already there, and when you relax, your thin ones are thin. Oh, your blood vessels fly. You can't say that you can't relax and make your blood flow easier. So, I know, for example, you have to be a little careful. For example, uh, it's a preference class syndrome, uh, or I know that you might still fly after a blockage, so you have to be careful. So, it's like this, uh, when I see that I'm in a recommandable state, it's this, uh, and now it's this. Eh, when I look at this, it's getting easier to understand that now I'm in the recommended state. So, when I ask you what time do you recommend, you can do that, except for this. It's ok to do it. Relaxation, I've seen a lot of things to improve, but I've been thinking about a lot of things recently, but I'm in pain, eh, relax relax, relax, improve, relax, or feel like it might be worth a try. Well yeah yeah yeah yeah. This is it. Well, but it's compatible anyway. I think this is the same for doctors, but, uh, it's a patient's nickname, or a pharmacist, it's compatible. Well, it's true. Ah, so, so, like that, of course, it's like that nickname. I think it's easier to hear if it's more important to be cared for. But, uh, uh, uh. Thinking about this kind of match, and I'm going to try it out, right? There are often times when I feel like it's not good enough, so I'm going to try it out. If you think about it, Oriental Medicine, hey, that, brain widening is a very important topic for you, so I would be happy if you could get a little interest in it. Eh, just now, I posted a little bit of symptoms, but uh, let's do it again. I think I'll show you another list of symptoms. Erm tired shoulder lower back pain 40s numb joint pain dizziness ehh digestive system problems breakthrough pregnancy health management ehh gynecology problems ehh gync problems ehh gnyc problems ehh like I just said and you have to deal with urgently I think it's worth to try a wide range of things, so eh, please, eh, eh, if you're interested, I'd be happy. I've been talking about fractures, or the knee again, but, uh, for example, conquering properly, sticking to a certain extent, and clinging to it, and it's still painful. It's like relieving the pain of time, or when it's in pain, e.g. when it's cut off like this, but when it's like this, I'm not feeling well, I want to do something about the pain, I want to lighten up a bit. Eh, a knee is a knee, a fracture or a knee, a knee, a shoulder, a normal thing, so this knee, ah, this knee, uh, this knee, this is a standard, if you ask if it's stuck or not, it's not much, ah, no, no, a-h, relax, relax, eh, by letting the patient relax, eh, what is it, it is, the thing about increasing self-sufficiency, there is one point, so the ability of self-sufficiency is so weak that you can't expect it. Sometimes, I think I should have included this, a little, difficult, and this too. Some things are difficult, so after all, I think it's okay to leave it to your head. Huh, huh, well, I'd like to end today's story. There are ways to step up your health and build your body, but today's topic is, uh, the part of self-control. In self-management, uh, what should I do? I wonder if it's going to be a part of this, and that. I think it will be a part of talking, talking, talking, and talking, etc. So please, uh, I'd be very happy if you were interested. Well, today's talk is this far. I'm a human and animal lecturer and a physical exercise researcher studying oriental medicine. Eh, this is how the live broadcast started in Hirayama is not taught at school, Oriental medicine, tips on how to use your body, and socialize with animals. I'm talking. If you're interested, please like and follow. Well, I'm waiting for you, so please, thank you. 。. Yes, so, eh, today's live broadcast, . Well, well, eh, today's live broadcast, I'd like to get this far. Today is another day, please, well, have a nice day. I'll see each other again. Thank you very much. Yes, so, yes, so, eh, today, yeah, I tried to talk to you when you say it's not recommended. It's going up and up with the hurdle. It hurts and looks hot, and some people are getting a bit cold, but, well, animals, dogs and cats, I'm pregnant myself, but Anmai, I'm fine, so I'm probably thinking that it doesn't hurt or feel hot. But that's to say, that hurdle isn't expensive, so please feel free to talk about it, eh, eh, eh. I'd be happy if you can talk to me at a clinic near you. S. O. Yes, well, eh, thank you for another day. Eh, see you next time, looking forward to seeing you. So, uh, from Hashigawa City, Hokkaido, eh, from Human and Animal Lecturer, Animal Lecturer, Physical Exercise Researcher, Oriental Medicine, Animal Lecturer and Physical Exercise Researchers, Oriental Medicine Practitioner, Animal Lecturer. I talked about Hirayama, a physical exercise researcher studying Oriental Medicine, I talked about it. Thank you for another day. We talked about Hirayama, a physical exercise researcher who studies oriental medicine and animal lecturers. Thank you for another day. Let's meet again